The little town of Idyllwild, CA is always decorated so pretty for Halloween! Hubby and I decided to visit it yesterday afternoon and grab some lunch. It is located 10,834 feet above sea level, on the second highest mountain range in Southern California. Mt. San Jacinto was formed not from a volcano, but from the pressure of two earthquake faults moving against each other. I was actually up there once during a fairly sizeable earthquake (many years ago) and I could hear the rumble coming before I felt the earthquake. Believe me, when you are up 10,000 on solid granite, you can HEAR earthquakes coming before they hit. And, when it hit, instead of the usual soft movement of sand, it was a sharp JOLT of granite! Anyway, we enjoyed our lunch and the pretty scenery!
Gorgeous scenery. Looks like a gorgeous place to go and enjoy lunch and get away. Thanks for sharing!!!
It is a beautiful scenery. I would love to be in a place like this. That is scary with the earthquake though.
This is a beautiful area. That was interesting how this mountain was formed. I don't think I would want to be on that mountain during an earthquake though. Lisa
What a beautiful part of the world you live in. I've come to your lovely blog via the black box widget and I'm glad it brought me here. Come and say hello.
I love places like this that I call little mountain get-aways. This kind of reminds me of Mt. Baldy and Lake Arrowhead.
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