It's back to Bodie, CA for this week's ABC Wednesday letter, "M". Bodie, CA was a mining town and part of the mining operations can still be seen there. It looks like we will be heading up that way this year, as soon as school is over! We'll be heading back to the Sierras, then up to Bridgeport, and South Lake Tahoe. I have relatives over in Lovelock, NV, and we may head out that direction, too. Only 43 more days of school and then SUMMER VACATION! YEAH! I am looking forward to visiting Bodie again! ABC Wednesday, April 14, 2010.
Tomato seeds and pepper seeds PLANTED
I got a half of a packet of yellow cherry tomato seeds planted a couple of
days ago and a half a packet of peppers too. I planted them in the little
4 weeks ago
Great shot for old mining. Yup everybody is waiting for the school to be done, can't wait it too. Happy Wednesday!
ABC Wednesday~M
It's seen better days, undoubtedly, but still like the look of the town.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
I love your pictures of Bodie! Next time we come over I MUST visit! I'd probably take a gazillion pictures, too!
On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday this week!
(I'd love you to visit my blog, but it's down at the moment because my host server was hacked. Should be back tomorrow - they're working on it)
Wonderful photos of this interesting old town, no longer a ghost town. Happy traveling this summer!
I love the looks of old mining towns. To me it is so typically Californian.
Nice photos.
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