I stayed home all day yesterday and went out in the afternoon to take some photos around my yard. The top one is, I believe, desert lupine (I just threw a bunch of wildflower seeds out front last fall), then an acacia fuzzy ball. The acacias are the sweet acacia and they have a very orangey-strong scent! I can smell them all over the yard! Next is one of my two sunflowers which are blooming right now. I planted them on the fence between our house and our neighbor's yard and they get full sun all day until late afternoon. Finally, my purple bougenvilla is starting to bloom. This one is right outside our front door, and it is climbing one of the posts of our patio roof. These are our signs of spring color for now! Sunday Stills Challenge for February 13, 2011.
Still surviving!
We are still alive and well (mostly)...We both are noticing that we just
don't have the energy we used to have and we do get tired easily most days,
10 hours ago